Source code for flowcraft.templates.trimmomatic

#!/usr/bin/env python3


This module is intended execute trimmomatic on paired-end FastQ files.

Expected input

The following variables are expected whether using NextFlow or the
:py:func:`main` executor.

- ``sample_id`` : Pair of FastQ file paths.
    - e.g.: ``'SampleA'``
- ``fastq_pair`` : Pair of FastQ file paths.
    - e.g.: ``'SampleA_1.fastq.gz SampleA_2.fastq.gz'``
- ``trim_range`` : Crop range detected using FastQC.
    - e.g.: ``'15 151'``
- ``opts`` : List of options for trimmomatic
    - e.g.: ``'["5:20", "3", "3", "55"]'``
    - e.g.: ``'[trim_sliding_window, trim_leading, trim_trailing, trim_min_length]'``
- ``phred`` : List of guessed phred values for each sample
    - e.g.: ``'[SampleA: 33, SampleB: 33]'``
- ``clear`` : If 'true', remove the input fastq files at the end of the

Generated output

The generated output are output files that contain an object, usually a string.
(Values within ``${}`` are substituted by the corresponding variable.)

- ``${sample_id}_*P*``: Pair of paired FastQ files generated by Trimmomatic
    - e.g.: ``'SampleA_1_P.fastq.gz SampleA_2_P.fastq.gz'``
- ``trimmomatic_status``: Stores the status of the trimmomatic run. If it was\
    successfully executed, it stores 'pass'. Otherwise, it stores the \
    ``STDERR`` message.
    - e.g.: ``'pass'``

Code documentation


# TODO: More control over read trimming
# TODO: Add option to remove adapters
# TODO: What to do when there is encoding failure

__version__ = "1.0.3"
__build__ = "29062018"
__template__ = "trimmomatic-nf"

import os
import re
import json
import fileinput
import subprocess

from subprocess import PIPE
from collections import OrderedDict

from flowcraft_utils.flowcraft_base import get_logger, MainWrapper

logger = get_logger(__file__)

def __get_version_trimmomatic():


        cli = ["java", "-jar", TRIM_PATH, "-version"]
        p = subprocess.Popen(cli, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
        stdout, _ = p.communicate()

        version = stdout.strip().decode("utf8")

    except Exception as e:
        version = "undefined"

    return {
        "program": "Trimmomatic",
        "version": version,

if __file__.endswith(""):
    SAMPLE_ID = '$sample_id'
    FASTQ_PAIR = '$fastq_pair'.split()
    TRIM_RANGE = '$trim_range'.split()
    TRIM_OPTS = [x.strip() for x in '$opts'.strip("[]").split(",")]
    PHRED = '$phred'
    ADAPTERS_FILE = '$ad'
    CLEAR = '$clear'

    logger.debug("Running {} with parameters:".format(
    logger.debug("SAMPLE_ID: {}".format(SAMPLE_ID))
    logger.debug("FASTQ_PAIR: {}".format(FASTQ_PAIR))
    logger.debug("TRIM_RANGE: {}".format(TRIM_RANGE))
    logger.debug("TRIM_OPTS: {}".format(TRIM_OPTS))
    logger.debug("PHRED: {}".format(PHRED))
    logger.debug("ADAPTERS_FILE: {}".format(ADAPTERS_FILE))
    logger.debug("CLEAR: {}".format(CLEAR))

TRIM_PATH = "/NGStools/Trimmomatic-0.36/trimmomatic.jar"
ADAPTERS_PATH = "/NGStools/Trimmomatic-0.36/adapters"

[docs]def parse_log(log_file): """Retrieves some statistics from a single Trimmomatic log file. This function parses Trimmomatic's log file and stores some trimming statistics in an :py:class:`OrderedDict` object. This object contains the following keys: - ``clean_len``: Total length after trimming. - ``total_trim``: Total trimmed base pairs. - ``total_trim_perc``: Total trimmed base pairs in percentage. - ``5trim``: Total base pairs trimmed at 5' end. - ``3trim``: Total base pairs trimmed at 3' end. Parameters ---------- log_file : str Path to trimmomatic log file. Returns ------- x : :py:class:`OrderedDict` Object storing the trimming statistics. """ template = OrderedDict([ # Total length after trimming ("clean_len", 0), # Total trimmed base pairs ("total_trim", 0), # Total trimmed base pairs in percentage ("total_trim_perc", 0), # Total trimmed at 5' end ("5trim", 0), # Total trimmed at 3' end ("3trim", 0), # Bad reads (completely trimmed) ("bad_reads", 0) ]) with open(log_file) as fh: for line in fh: # This will split the log fields into: # 0. read length after trimming # 1. amount trimmed from the start # 2. last surviving base # 3. amount trimmed from the end fields = [int(x) for x in line.strip().split()[-4:]] if not fields[0]: template["bad_reads"] += 1 template["5trim"] += fields[1] template["3trim"] += fields[3] template["total_trim"] += fields[1] + fields[3] template["clean_len"] += fields[0] total_len = template["clean_len"] + template["total_trim"] if total_len: template["total_trim_perc"] = round( (template["total_trim"] / total_len) * 100, 2) else: template["total_trim_perc"] = 0 return template
[docs]def write_report(storage_dic, output_file, sample_id): """ Writes a report from multiple samples. Parameters ---------- storage_dic : dict or :py:class:`OrderedDict` Storage containing the trimming statistics. See :py:func:`parse_log` for its generation. output_file : str Path where the output file will be generated. """ with open(output_file, "w") as fh, open(".report.json", "w") as json_rep: # Write header fh.write("Sample,Total length,Total trimmed,%,5end Trim,3end Trim," "bad_reads\\n") # Write contents for sample, vals in storage_dic.items(): fh.write("{},{}\\n".format( sample, ",".join([str(x) for x in vals.values()]))) json_dic = { "tableRow": [{ "sample": sample_id, "data": [ {"header": "Trimmed (%)", "value": vals["total_trim_perc"], "table": "qc", "columnBar": True}, ] }], "plotData": [{ "sample": sample_id, "data": { "sparkline": vals["clean_len"] } }], "badReads": vals["bad_reads"] } json_rep.write(json.dumps(json_dic, separators=(",", ":")))
[docs]def trimmomatic_log(log_file, sample_id): log_storage = OrderedDict() log_id = log_file.rstrip("_trimlog.txt") log_storage[log_id] = parse_log(log_file) os.remove(log_file) write_report(log_storage, "trimmomatic_report.csv", sample_id)
[docs]def clean_up(fastq_pairs, clear): """Cleans the working directory of unwanted temporary files""" # Find unpaired fastq files unpaired_fastq = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.endswith("_U.fastq.gz")] # Remove unpaired fastq files, if any for fpath in unpaired_fastq: os.remove(fpath) # Expected output to assess whether it is safe to remove temporary input expected_out = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f.endswith("_trim.fastq.gz")] if clear == "true" and len(expected_out) == 2: for fq in fastq_pairs: # Get real path of fastq files, following symlinks rp = os.path.realpath(fq) logger.debug("Removing temporary fastq file path: {}".format(rp)) if re.match(".*/work/.{2}/.{30}/.*", rp): os.remove(rp)
[docs]def merge_default_adapters(): """Merges the default adapters file in the trimmomatic adapters directory Returns ------- str Path with the merged adapters file. """ default_adapters = [os.path.join(ADAPTERS_PATH, x) for x in os.listdir(ADAPTERS_PATH)] filepath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "default_adapters.fasta") with open(filepath, "w") as fh, \ fileinput.input(default_adapters) as in_fh: for line in in_fh: fh.write(line) return filepath
@MainWrapper def main(sample_id, fastq_pair, trim_range, trim_opts, phred, adapters_file, clear): """ Main executor of the trimmomatic template. Parameters ---------- sample_id : str Sample Identification string. fastq_pair : list Two element list containing the paired FastQ files. trim_range : list Two element list containing the trimming range. trim_opts : list Four element list containing several trimmomatic options: [*SLIDINGWINDOW*; *LEADING*; *TRAILING*; *MINLEN*] phred : int Guessed phred score for the sample. The phred score is a generated output from :py:class:`templates.integrity_coverage`. adapters_file : str Path to adapters file. If not provided, or the path is not available, it will use the default adapters from Trimmomatic will be used clear : str Can be either 'true' or 'false'. If 'true', the input fastq files will be removed at the end of the run, IF they are in the working directory """"Starting trimmomatic") # Create base CLI cli = [ "java", "-Xmx{}".format("$task.memory"[:-1].lower().replace(" ", "")), "-jar", TRIM_PATH.strip(), "PE", "-threads", "$task.cpus" ] # If the phred encoding was detected, provide it try: # Check if the provided PHRED can be converted to int phred = int(phred) phred_flag = "-phred{}".format(str(phred)) cli += [phred_flag] # Could not detect phred encoding. Do not add explicit encoding to # trimmomatic and let it guess except ValueError: pass # Add input samples to CLI cli += fastq_pair # Add output file names output_names = [] for i in range(len(fastq_pair)): output_names.append("{}_{}_trim.fastq.gz".format( SAMPLE_ID, str(i + 1))) output_names.append("{}_{}_U.fastq.gz".format( SAMPLE_ID, str(i + 1))) cli += output_names if trim_range != ["None"]: cli += [ "CROP:{}".format(trim_range[1]), "HEADCROP:{}".format(trim_range[0]), ] if os.path.exists(adapters_file): logger.debug("Using the provided adapters file '{}'".format( adapters_file)) else: logger.debug("Adapters file '{}' not provided or does not exist. Using" " default adapters".format(adapters_file)) adapters_file = merge_default_adapters() cli += [ "ILLUMINACLIP:{}:3:30:10:6:true".format(adapters_file) ] # Add trimmomatic options cli += [ "SLIDINGWINDOW:{}".format(trim_opts[0]), "LEADING:{}".format(trim_opts[1]), "TRAILING:{}".format(trim_opts[2]), "MINLEN:{}".format(trim_opts[3]), "TOPHRED33", "-trimlog", "{}_trimlog.txt".format(sample_id) ] logger.debug("Running trimmomatic subprocess with command: {}".format(cli)) p = subprocess.Popen(cli, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() # Attempt to decode STDERR output from bytes. If unsuccessful, coerce to # string try: stderr = stderr.decode("utf8") except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError): stderr = str(stderr)"Finished trimmomatic subprocess with STDOUT:\\n" "======================================\\n{}".format(stdout))"Finished trimmomatic subprocesswith STDERR:\\n" "======================================\\n{}".format(stderr))"Finished trimmomatic with return code: {}".format( p.returncode)) trimmomatic_log("{}_trimlog.txt".format(sample_id), sample_id) if p.returncode == 0 and os.path.exists("{}_1_trim.fastq.gz".format( SAMPLE_ID)): clean_up(fastq_pair, clear) # Check if trimmomatic ran successfully. If not, write the error message # to the status channel and exit. with open(".status", "w") as status_fh: if p.returncode != 0: status_fh.write("fail") return else: status_fh.write("pass") if __name__ == '__main__': main(SAMPLE_ID, FASTQ_PAIR, TRIM_RANGE, TRIM_OPTS, PHRED, ADAPTERS_FILE, CLEAR)